星期四, 7月 28

Gym girl is back!

Gym girl is back!
I miss the good old days of sweating all over, taking a cab to catch up with our favourite lessons, attending 4 lessons in a roll and still manage to run for a bus.
I'm so excited to tomorrow nite's gals gathering. Cheers!
Time to go for something really good for yourself.

3 則留言:

Laigoo 說...

When I heard "gym girl is back", all i can think of is YOU. You know, you really a gym gal to me...though back to a few years ago, I noticed your keen and passion going to gym! You are rite, time to go for sth really good yourself...pamper yourself!!!Go Gal!

匿名 說...

Having a work-out for 4 consecutive hours is a luxury to me...partly because I am no longer energetic....partly because I don't have a frantastic life like P....BUT, I am back Gym Gal, you will be seeing me in the gym soon......cheerio,

Mira 說...

p.s. 原來你上次真的沒有錯怪我,當初糊裡糊塗地真的把「留言權」設定錯了。真的笨手笨腳,以後不敢了。請盡情留言吧!好想你啊!